For a better Travel Plan
Clear blue sky, cool breeze, carpets of green plantations, snow covered mountains, starry night sky and if you are in luck shower from the sky are few of the things which welcome you to the Hillstations in India. Hill stations in India spread over its many territorial states are counted amongst best summer vacation destinations. Ideal hotspots for Honeymoon, adventure sports or summer holidays the Indian hill stations with their rich geographical topographical diversity give holiday makers a bouquet of choices. Enchanting and picturesque Indian hill stations have evolved into a landscape that offers tourists with fresh, relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere. In addition to a rejuvenating break from the city life, Hill stations in India also offer a break from mundane daily routine with bustling mall roads, scenic locales, exciting adventures and local cuisines.
Out of the many, Best hill stations in India have been listed below: