India starts heating up in february, first in Northen plains and then in rest of the country.Temperature exceeds 40 degree Celsius in end may and June in many northern parts of the country.In southern Part, temperatures reaches around 35 degree celsius although its a lot more Humid.Monsoon season starts approaching in mis June which continues till late August.Where to visit in Summer: Hill stations like Manali, shimla and Mussourie

In mid July, most of the country is covered with Rain.This starts clearing in Nirthwest India by mid of september. The monsoon doesn't appear all at once.India during the monsoon doesn't recieve monsoon all the time, although it usually rain for a heavy period everyday, followed by a pleasant sunshine. Where to visit in season:Its Difficult to travel as rain disrupts transport services. However. Its best time to visit isolated Ladakh in far North.The roads leading there are open up till June.
The start of the clear skunny skies as well as the start of the tourist season prevails from September till late february, for most of India.Daytime winter temperatures are comfortable, while Night sores in chilly temperatures. In south, it never gets cold, the weather remains very soothing. Where to visit in season: Best time to Hit the beaches in India, Goa as well as Kerala.South India is best to explore in South India